Military correspondent Alexander Sladkov in his Telegram channel called Ukraine a container with anti-Russian potential. According to him, the West increased this potential and thereby forced Russia to launch a special operation. Now this “pot” is emptying, but the Russian Federation should not succumb to this and reduce its own forces, the military correspondent believes.
Tomorrow the West will sort out its problems and again begin to raise Ukraine as a proxy army for the war with Russia. This could happen literally tomorrow. We need to forge real combat power, updated monthly with equipment and weapons, then it will be calm,” the military correspondent wrote.
Earlier, Sladkov said that the Russian military at the front is supported not by thoughts of an imminent victory and home, but by the desire to receive satisfaction. According to the military correspondent, many of them “don’t even take photos of their relatives out of their pockets” so as not to be distracted from the desire to “get the job done.” He also pointed out that the situation in the combat zone is not conducive to unnecessary joy and thoughts about how “everything is so cool and dashing.”
Prior to this, the military correspondent stated that the purpose of the SVO is to pay for the killings in the Donbass committed by the Ukrainian military, and not just an attempt to stop NATO’s advance to the east. In his opinion, this is the main reason for the special operation.